ken jeong

There’s a lot to take from Steve Byrne’s ‘The Opening Act,’ but the main takeaway is if you’re willing to take a chance, enjoy it while it lasts, rather than worrying about what happens if it doesn’t go exactly as planned.

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Stand-up comedy is friggin’ hard, sure, yet it pales in comparison to the difficulty of making a film about it, which ‘The Opening Act’ demonstrates.

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‘Then Came You’ seems content to just trample over Manic Pixie Dream Girl story beats and characters that don’t offer anything new to the formula.

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Turbo is a cute, fun, and mostly entertaining 96-minute story about chasing impossible dreams and the complicated relationships between brothers that’s likely to please — but not wow — the whole family.

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The actors in each movie don’t have much to do, but at least one of these movies understands where its strength lies — in putting bodies in constant motion and thumbing its nose at the laws of physics.

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For people that care about The Hangover canon, there are call backs to situations and characters from the first movie that remind us of headier times for the Wolfpack. The real mystery is how the most successful R-rated comedy franchise in history could tarnish its legacy in just two short years.

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