fourth movie

…and 15 that REALLY suck. Let’s be frank. The track record of good fourth movies in a franchise isn’t good. To prove this point, we have two Top 10s on this subject and over 50% of each of them (which rank the best, or at least the ones that didn’t suck too terribly bad), are not movies anyone can really truly stand behind.

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Part fours are superfluous almost always, but that doesn’t mean they can’t bring something to the party. Every entry below represents a fourth entry in a franchise that is better than it has any right to be. Now, that isn’t saying that these are the best entries of the series; they’re absolutely not (except in the case of the #1 spot). But every movie below has at least something of value to offer, and if they don’t always improve the series, they don’t embarrass it, either.

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We all know Hollywood has a shortage of new ideas, which is why consistently popular franchises (even ones with a fourth movie) become so valuable. It’s not even the end of May yet, and already this year has produced sequels and reboots “The Pink Panther 2,” “Friday the 13th,” “The Last House on the Left,” […]

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