24 Hour Party People

Ever feel like you’ve seen everything that needs to be seen? Looking for something underrated, obscure, or unheralded; an underdog to root for? Think of this as less a list of “The Absolute Best Top 10” of overlooked movies EVER and more of a list of 10 movies that are perennially underrated that you should see ASAP. Plus, I defend “the worst movie of all time”!

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Top 10 Movies of the Decade

by Eric Melin on December 29, 2009

in Top 10s

This decade was a great one for genre films. If anything, it could be remembered as the decade that fantasy/sci-fi/action films really grew up. Of course, Peter Jackson created the critically and commercially successful “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, capping it all off with the first Best Picture win for a fantasy movie ever in […]

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