
[Rating: Solid Rock Fist Up] Now Playing in Limited Release There’s a fine line between graffiti and art, between eccentricity and malevolence, and the danger lies not so much in those that don’t know the difference, but rather in those that do and just don’t care. Sick of Myself has some thoughts on the matter, […]

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‘The Burning Sea’ matches the scope and vibe of its Norwegian disaster film predecessors while not quite clearing the same bar on quality.

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Fantastic Fest 2011 is under way, and contributor George Hickman is filing his reports each day as the festival and its movie events continue. Here are a couple condensed-reviews of new films at Fantastic Fest this year. Headhunters (rock fist way up) The Norwegian crime comedy “Headhunters,” based on a bestselling novel, tells the story […]

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