jamie foxx

Packed with a killer soundtrack, a groovy cast, and an intelligent script, Baby Driver is one of the smartest, coolest and most entertaining movies of 2017.

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As cutting-edge as its technology is, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 stubbornly adheres to old-school comic conventions. When it’s not tending directly to the emotional core of Peter Parker, it can sometimes feel like an episode of the cheesy ’60s Batman TV series.

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Two new Blu-ray releases: A melancholy Christmas story and another opportunity for Roland Emmerich to blow up the White House.

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Where ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ struggled to be Michael Bay-style action porn, director Roland Emmerich’s movie has a far better sense of humor and an understanding of the complete ridiculousness of its entire premise. Don’t get me wrong, the movie is dumb as dirt at times, but at least it knows this.

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Does Django Unchained continue Tarantino’s hot streak or is it a misstep? Find out on a not especially Christmas-y Christmas episode of the podcast.

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As an entertaining revenge flick with roots in exploitation films and spaghetti westerns, Django Unchained succeeds. But it never rises above its genre to become a real, affecting emotional experience.

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