Andrew Garfield

‘tick, tick…BOOM!” tells the life of an artist who wanted so much, but sacrificed the little slice of love and friendship to find his momentum.

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‘The Eyes of Tammy Faye’ showcases the best performances of its leads’ careers, utterly wasting them on branded image propaganda.

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As cutting-edge as its technology is, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 stubbornly adheres to old-school comic conventions. When it’s not tending directly to the emotional core of Peter Parker, it can sometimes feel like an episode of the cheesy ’60s Batman TV series.

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A writer brings a character to life out of thin air and a boy begins to learn the secret of his family after a strange spider bite in two movies new out on DVD and Blu-ray this week.

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It’s a testament to how good the movie is that ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ elicits any kind of emotion at all.

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