adam sandler

The Week Of is a messy patchwork of a movie that is tonally all over the map and way overstays its 116 minutes.

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The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) returns to the artistic-cultural NYC world explored in Baumbach’s last two NYC dramedies, What is remarkable in this script is how much sympathy Baumbach generates for his characters, who in lesser hands would be one-dimensional brutes.

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Chris Rock makes his writing/directing debut in Top Five, a showbiz romantic comedy that is loose, sometimes broad and often hilarious.

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Although Hotel Transylvania isn’t Tartakovsky’s creation, you can certainly see his fingerprints all over the film in a script he helped punch-up and his influence to push the movie towards a more high-energy animation style resembling Tex Avery’s classic cartoons.

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‘Jack and Jill’ might have been silly fun, like so many of Sandler’s films. Instead it will just leave you pondering how it all went so wrong.

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‘Punch Drunk Love’ is the best movie Adam Sandler will ever be in. Why does it have to be this way? Phil Fava explains in Overlooked Movie Monday.

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This movie review was originally aired on KTKA-49. “Just Go With It” is a remake of a 1969 movie that won Goldie Hawn an Oscar, which was based itself on a Broadway play, which was based itself on a French play. You wouldn’t know it from looking at the end result. The new movie stars […]

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