Capsule Review: "Legally Blonde"

by Eric Melin on July 13, 2001

in Print Reviews

Here’s a pleasant little surprise. I got dragged to this one kicking and screaming by my friend Sarah and actually liked it. “Legally Blonde” is a lot like “Clueless” in its theme, and also doesn’t have to pander to be funny. Reese Witherspoon carries the whole movie with charm to burn, and the story doesn’t go where you would expect it too all the time like so many other lame teen comedies. Also, unlike most other recent teen comedies, it’s actually entertaining.

Eric is the Editor-in-Chief of, a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic, and contributor for The Pitch. He’s former President of the KCFCC, and drummer for The Dead Girls, Ultimate Fakebook, and Truck Stop Love . He is also the 2013 Air Guitar World Champion Mean Melin, ranked 4th best of all-time. Eric goes to 11. Follow him at:

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